"No Harm, No Foul" is an outrageous two act comedy. It tells the story of a basketball player who was falsely accused of raping a white woman and is sentence to an illegal slave plantation in Walla Walla Washington.
A Piece Of My Dream
No Harm, No Foul
"A Piece of My Dream"- This film is a powerful drama that is based on the stage play. It tells the story of a Green Beret Soldier who returns home to restore a delapidated movie theatre, only to encounter the staunch sting of racism. The film is based on the stage play, "A Piece Of My Dream."
"Bronx House"
"Vagabond Love" is a two character romantic love story in acts. It tells the story of two homeless people down on their luck. They meet on the mean streets of New York, fall in love, and decides to get married the next day. Buy there is one problem...
Vagabond Love
"Bronx House" is a powerful prison drama set in the Bronx House of Detention in the Bronx, New York. It tells the story about a New York City Comptroller who is accused of stealing five million dollars. He must survive two notorious street gangs until his lawyer can get him out.